Montag, 24. November 2008

and the winter goes on...

When i came home from work last night there was just sleet...this rainlike snow...the rest of the night i stayed at home and talked to a friend in Antwerp, Belgium who told me it had snowed over there, but then i slept early and didn't think of what i was about to witness this morning, when i opened my blinds...everything (well, almost) covered in snow!!!

Sooooooooooooo NICE!!!

4 Kommentare:

Nat hat gesagt…

maldito alemán, where are you

Sarapen hat gesagt…

Yeah you German pigdog, where the hell are you? Although I guess I've also been out of touch. Okay, I'm emailing you and you better answer.

Sarapen hat gesagt…

Oh yeah this is Jesse btw.

Malapetaka hat gesagt…

Fast drei Jahre sind seit dem letzten Schneebild vergangen. Ich verlange eine Reaktivierung!