Sonntag, 21. Oktober 2007

a (not so) usual weekend in our house...

(Due to some friends' requests this post will be in English...)

I moved to our home in the beginning of september and ever since Manuel has "bothered" me with "beer-pong", which is a drinking game that he really wanted to play. So we quite spontaneously decided to have a party in our house this saturday.

We told them to come at 7 pm so that they'd be here by 8 pm. But in Costa Rica people just seem to have a different game plan. When nobody had shown up by 8.30 we (Michael, Mike, Manuel and me Marc...) started with a match of "beer-pong" was pretty close, but Manuel and me won in overtime...

Then at 10 pm (!!!) the first people arrived...and the party took it's own course. But see yourself here for some pictures...for videos just scroll down:

and why did i think katinka was taking a picture?

but it WAS nice...

the later the night...but still veeeeery seductive...

and this as well, right?!

1 Kommentar:

vancho hat gesagt…

excelente fiesta y beer pong, con todo y los pelos en la cerveza estuvo buenísimo.
bien por el post en inglés.
